How to build a fence next to existing neighboring fences


I would like to fence in my back yard. Nothing super fancy, just a black metal fence like you see everywhere. I got some quotes from some contractors and they wanted $6k+ (!!) to build the fence. I was shocked at the estimate prices given that my neighbors on both sides have already built fences, so I'd only have to do the back of my lot plus a little on the sides with a gate on one side (see dotted red lines below).

How hard would this be to do myself? I don't want/need to run a fence along the sides, so how would I go about integrating with my neighbor's fences? I didn't think it was possible to set the end posts right next to their fence as it would disrupt their fences, though I can't tie into their fences as they aren't mine (and presumably aren't on my property).

Also, what is the best way to match up the fences, given the height disparity?

enter image description here

Best Answer

A general rule (not sure if your neighbors abide to it) is to build the fence 1-2 feet inside your property line. You mention that the fence post is presumably in their property so even butting up to it would be in their yard. You best option is to ask them to join your new fence to it and get a simple contract to protect yourself. Either that or put up all four sides in your property.

You may also need to get a permit or permission from city/municipal/HOA depending on your location. Your neighbors could have even blocked you from getting a fence because of easement right between yards, all things to look up before this endeavor.

As for the height difference, it's more personal preference than anything else. Personally I'd recommend one size fence for the front of your preference and one size in the back of your preference which may or may not be the same. Like if you want front privacy but have nature in the back, it allows you to get away with 6ft in the front and only 4ft in the back. I'd mainly recommend the same size in both front sections if your yard is level otherwise it will look off from the street.

In the front you may want to fade the height difference but I wouldn't even bother in the back. Could be a nice design feature if it fades into a gate post or something.

*Adding images: enter image description here enter image description here