How to calculate covered area under a single-slope roof


I'm looking to build a small covered patio area on our property, next to our pool. It'll be open on all sides, and covered by a simple skillion/single-sloped roof. So something like in this photo:


The idea behind the single sloped roof is that we'd like to be able to put a bunch of PV panels up there to generate some solar energy.

How can I combine the roof dimensions, with the angle/pitch of the roof, to determine the amount of area that will actually be covered? Suppose the roof is 20 feet long by, say, 15 feet wide. If it were flat that would be easy. But if the roof is angled at say, 30 degrees, then that will change the actual covered space below it. How would I go about calculating that exactly?

Crossposted to Mathematics

Best Answer

area under roof = L x W x cos 30