How to check if the plastic tube that comes out of the water pump of the furnace/AC does not leak


I have a water pump similar with this one
enter image description here

In this question I am asking bout what is marked with #3 in the picture.
In my case that pipe goes to the ceiling ..partially open in the furnace room and from there through the finished ceiling it traverses a hallway and I am not sure if it joins the drain of my bathroom downstairs or the drain of my sink or bathube upstairs, they are all represented in the picture.
enter image description here
I need to verify the integrity of this pipe. How can I do it?

Edit: the drain tube was installed about 30 years ago when the old furnace was installed (an Olsen, first models of condensing furnaces)

Edit2: looking closer I discovered that there is a pipe that brings water to my humidifier (old an and not in use anymore. Most probably the tube for the pump follows this pipe to the source of water. The worst part is that I also discovered that just above the furnace the tube diameter it reduced by coupling the initial tube with a smaller diameter tube which is the one that actually goes through the floor joists, have no idea where. So now it is out of question to use fishtape to see where this tube goes.

Best Answer

I was reading this webpage and I came across a comment that inspired me a method to check if my tube is OK. That would be to use a smoke bomb (search this keyword on that page) in a shop vac and to pump the smoke through the tube to see where it connects. This will work assuming that at the other end the tube is connected to a drain in one of the ways described here: If that is the case then the smoke will come out at the other end in the kitchen or bathroom and with that we located the other end of the tube. Having that location then we can easily conduct a pression test as suggested in one of the comments above