How to clean a light tan vinyl fence


I had my back vinyl fence moved back a couple feet and some of the boards that were originally facing the back are now facing forward, so now there is this appearance that some boards are darker (dirtier) and some are lighter (cleaner). If you look closely at the picture, you will notice the clean boards and the dirty ones. What is the best way to clean this? The dirty boards originally had some green mold, but I got this off with water and scrubbing with a broom and now what is left dirt (at least that is what I think it is).

Here is a picture:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Assuming this actually is dirt and not bleaching by the sun and some confusion on which boards faced which way...

Go to Home Depot and rent a pressure washer.

Test the pressure washer on a scrap piece of fencing before you use it on the real deal - if you get too close you could blast a hole in the vinyl - but it will remove the dirt. Quite amazingly so. I've seen dirty old grey decking look like brand spanking new after a good pressure wash.