How to clean the dryer vent


I called a handyman for cleaning my dryer vent under my house slab. It is a glass pipe vent. He cleaned it up using water from the laundry room hose.

Is this an okay way to clean up the lint? I also had my lint eater fiber rod and brush stuck inside the drier vent but none of them came out with cleaning using the water.

Does this handyman really know how to clean the dryer vent?

Best Answer

Use fish tape: fish tape

It's a sturdy, yet flexible metal rod meant for running cables. Figure out which of the two openings you can easily pull from, hard. Insert the tape from that end until it emerges on the other side. Then cut holes in a towel and secure it to the fish tape with zip ties or hose clamps, and pull it back through.

The rag or towel should force the brush out of its way on the way back.

In the future, NEVER use brush rods that can unscrew to clean a dryer vent. Only use the kind that are permanently attached to a tough braided wire.