How to close gaps between curtains temporarily


In day, I want sunlight and pull curtains apart. In night, I pull them together, and want curtains overlap in middle. But I open window for fresh air ventilation, and wind blows my curtains apart, and light pollution enters gap in middle.

I don't know how sew. I don't want sew any thing on curtains. I take down curtains and wash them every 2 months.

I thought adding Bias Tape with Fabric Glue, then tying curtains together with a belt or string. Will this work? Any simpler idea?

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Best Answer


A package of clothespins:

enter image description here

will do the trick. Depending on the length of the curtains and how tightly you want them pulled together, you would probably use between 3 and 6. You can remove them totally when open or leave them clipped to one side.

No sewing! No gluing!