How to connect a sink, dishwasher, and laundry pump all to one drain


My drain pipe in my unfinished basement is close to the ceiling which makes it hard to change things. I know that the drain in my basement is wrong right now and I am trying to fix it. I only have one attachment of ABS (1 1/2") to the main cast iron drain pipe and adding another one isn't really an option. I have a kitchen sink with a dishwasher attached to it and a basement laundry tub pump that all needs to be attached to the same drain. The laundry tub pump says that it does not need to be vented or have a trap. I have posted pictures of two options that I am thinking of. What is the best way to do this?

Option 1

Option 2

Best Answer

You need have to have a vent between the washer and kitchen drain and you can't have a running trap in the pipe like that either, I know codes are different all over the U.S. but this is the way we would have to do it according to southeastern builders/plumbing code, been a master plumber for 18 years. Not sure if my drawing is going to post but you need a combo for the ks drain and a combo for washer drain, with a trap and pro vent above the trap on a make shift vent terminated wherever you cab access it in the future. Good luck