How to cover large gaps of floor from wall with baseboard


I just installed laminate floors in my basement.

One wall (drywall) is not perfectly straight, leaving an area of the floor with a space as big as 1 3/4 inches from the wall.

I don't like the idea of rip cutting a laminate floor piece to a thin and long triangle shape to fill the gap.

What's an easy way of covering the gap?

Best Answer

The easy way to cover the gap is to use your same flooring material. In this case the laminate flooring would be cut in a strip to fit the gap. Measure the gap width every 16 or 24 inches and transfer that to a flooring piece minus the normal wall gap clearance. Then cut the strip along a line through the measurements points and fit the piece in place.

Any kind of other strange scheme you come up with to avoid making the long strip is going to look terrible.