How to cover up a gap in a badly installed cabinet


The apartment I moved into has a kitchen with cabinets as most kitchens do.
I noticed that in the mornings it has been especially cold in the kitchen, and I traced the cold air to a large gap in the corner of one of the cabinets.

The photo below was taken inside the corner cabinet. You can see a pipe exposed. A lot of cold air is seeping in through here.


What simple things can I do (without involving the slow-moving elderly landlord) to patch this up and minimize the amount of cold air that gets in?

Best Answer

Perhaps using some ridgid foam insulation board, you could build a chase inside the cabinet. If you take your time and cut it carefully using a straightedge, it should fit neatly in place by tension without having to use any caulk or adhesive that the property owner may frown on later. I would build it in an "L" shape and it shouldn't take up much of your usable storage space. Hope that helps, good luck![enter image description here]1