How to create an enclosure that will protect an indoor camera outdoors


My DropCam is an indoor camera and there's no outdoor version, so I would like to come up a way to have this camera outdoors.

So far I thought about creating a casing using:

  1. an empty 2 liter soda bottle
  2. Dry Silica Gel
  3. Silicone Caulk

As you can see, this casing might work in keeping the camera dry, but I still don't know how to weatherproof the power cord. Does this sound doable? Figured I'd ask here in case anyone has ever been able to make a weatherproof case.

Best Answer

If it is not rated for outdoors it will fail eventually. All professional outdoor camera housings have vents to allow them to breathe. It is a fact that moisture is going to get to your camera no matter what you build and since it is not rated to handle it it will fail. If you rig something yourself and attempt to seal it tight you'll wind up with condensation on the inside of the container and that will not only ruin your camera but you won't be able to see anything because of the water droplets that you cannot wipe off in a sealed bottle.