Cutting Aluminum – How to Cut Aluminum Angle Stock Without Damaging Tools


How can I cut aluminum angle stock without damaging my tools? I've done some looking around the interwebs and have not found anything definitive – basically there are warnings about cutting it with anything that is not a chopsaw or hacksaw, and people with success stories on how they cut aluminum without problem. My main concern is damaging my tools – I would like to make precise cuts with either a tablesaw, bandsaw or powered miter saw.

Best Answer

At work we cut aluminium with a drop saw. An sometimes our table saw. We have a drop saw set up just for aluminium, with a fine tooth blade. It don't really do any damage to it as long as you cut slow. aluminium is softer then some of the timber we cut. So anyway if your trying to cut neat cuts use drop saw. An shouldn't do damage. If you are worried use a angle grinder with a thin cutting blade.