How to cut out a piece of a stud fully from an existing wall


I'm not sure what tool to use or how to use it to most effectively cut out a chunk of a stud of an existing wall that already has exterior wall sheathing on it.

enter image description here

Things I've considered:

1) Circular Saw – all safety stuff says to not cut on something that is mounted on both ends due to the likelihood of the blade pinching. Combine that with the fact that the blade depth can't penetrate fully through 3.5" widths of the board, the best I could hope for is a partial completion of the cut. Add to it that I'll be moving the blade sideways as opposed to blade pointed downward seems like even more of a case for me losing control.

2) Reciprocating Saw – maybe this could be used in combination with the circular saw to finish the partial depth cut, but there's not enough space between the other studs to get in there flush. And if cut at an angle, the blade will disappear into the stud being cut and could be cutting into and through the exterior sheathing without me seeing it.

3) MultiTool – This seems to be a possibility, but the deeper the cut towards the wall makes me think that I have to get further and further at an angle that puts the exterior sheathing at risk of being carved right through.

4) Chainsaw – Kidding…but I'm out of ideas on how best to do this really.

Best Answer

I'd go for my pull saw or my oscillating saw/multitool

You should be able to get most of the way through with the oscillating saw and then finish it by hand with a compact hand saw. I like my compact pull saws to tight spaces like that.