How to determine why the A/C runs all day


I have a Bryant AC/Furnace unit. My house is 10 years old. A heat wave hit this weekend & temps got up to 95°F outside. I had my thermostat set to 75°, and it ran all day. The thermostat never dropped below 80° during the day & eventually cooled down towards the evening. How can I tell if it's a problem with my AC or with the insulation in the house? The attic has insulation "blown" in it, and from what I can tell, was done recently before we bought the house 5 years ago.

Does the "blown" insulation have to be re-blown every so often? Or is it more likely a problem with the AC unit? I've never had it serviced since I bought the house, but I have changed the air filters monthly.


Something else I remembered: my house is bi-level. I keep the downstairs vents closed because if they're all open, it gets pretty cold down there. With them closed, it's maybe a little warmer than upstairs. We're upstairs most of the time anyway. Would that affect anything?

Best Answer

Your question almost exactly sums up the situation I had at my home last August.

What I found then was that despite a properly sized air conditioning unit and what I believe to be good insulation (the house holds heat well during the winter), the unit still couldn't keep up.

I don't have full proof, but I think a few factors caused my situation and might be worth checking for you:

  1. The condenser (outdoor unit) sits in an "inside corner" with the house on two sides of it and a chimney and small storage shed that partially blocks a third side of it. This prevents good airflow across the unit. [I can't do anything about this without relocating the unit, which is not a DIY job for me.]

  2. We had very little wind at all during the heat wave, which also added to the lack of airflow across the condenser.

  3. The condenser was visibly dirty, which makes heat transfer to the outdoor air less efficient. Lots of dirt, dust, pollen, grass clippings, etc. build up on the fins over time. Normally rain will clean it off somewhat, but we hadn't had rain in ages.

Despite some advice I've seen not to do it, I used a garden hose to wash off the fins of the condenser (it gets wet from rain, right?) very gently, taking care not to make it full of mud or to bend the fins.

I could see water evaporating immediately on contact, and I have an infrared thermometer I used that showed a 30F or so drop in temperature in short order. The AC performed much better after that, but we also started to get a gentle breeze that helped things along.