How to do about a small fly infestation in the kitchen


So, a few weeks ago, I had a medical emergency that got me "locked up" in a hospital for a few weeks. Today, I came home, and they were dozens and dozens of little flies in my kitchen. The thing is, flies scares me. (For some, it's snakes, for other it's spiders, for me it's flies.)

I can't even open the kitchen door without almost passing out, and I'm afraid that since Spring is around the corner, the invasion will go absolutely uncontrollable. I have no idea what to do.

Does anyone have ideas/tips to help me get rid of those?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

First get rid of any garbage and produce that is probably the cause of the fruit flies. To get rid of the ones currently there you could buy some traps from a store or try making a homemade one