Smoke Detectors – What to Do About a Smoke Detector That Beeps Constantly


My smoke detector beeps constantly when connected. Looks like I need to change the battery. But I have no clue where to put in the battery or how to change. Your help will be appreciated.

The unit is on the ceiling. I just held the cover next to it for the photo.

my smoke detector

Best Answer

Doesn't look like it has a battery. How old is it? There should be a manufacture or expiry date written on the cover.

Many older AC powered detectors didn't have backup batteries. That cable you unplugged is the AC power. If it's over 10 years old (or maybe it's 5 years now) it should be replaced anyways.

Replace the smoke detector. They aren't expensive. If it is acting up you don't want to depend on it when there is a fire.