How to do with a shallow closet


My guest bedroom has an extra shallow closet (15 inches deep). This is too narrow for a hanger, so clothes hung on the rod end up being angled, rubbing against the back wall and the door, etc.

What can I do with this thing? It needs to remain a closet, but I need an alternate method to hang clothes. I've thought about trying to rotate the rod. Perhaps I could hang two rods somehow so they go from front-to-back rather than from side-to-side? But, how could I support the door-side end? Well, I could hang it from the shelf somehow. The shelf is fairly sturdy. Any ideas on how to mount such a rod? Or other ideas on how to refurb the closet?

Best Answer

I have an antique chifforobe that is only 16" deep. I purchased 'petite' or kids hangers from Amazon. they are 14" wide and big enough to hold most adult clothing. Bonus, they are very thin and flocked so that your clothes won't slip off.