How to drill a table top without drilling through it


I am considering buying a table (Flash Furniture 24" square top with 18" round center pole base). The table top is reversible, which means that it comes with no holes drilled in it. It attaches to the base via screws. Here are the instructions for assembling the table. It's showing a different bottom of the base, but I'm concerned about the top of the base, where it attaches to the table.

The instructions, being graphics only, don't say what drill bit to use or how to make sure I don't drill too far into the table. I think I can handle the drill bit selection part – choose a bit the thickness of the screw shaft – but what I don't know is how do I make sure I drill deep enough but not so deep that it comes out the table top. How do I drill a table top without drilling too far through it?

Best Answer

There are drill stops that are available that clamp to the drill bit or other stops that mount on the drill as an attachment.

For little jobs like that I have always found that some tape wrapped around the drill bit is sufficient - but don’t be pushing hard.

For precise jobs then a pillar drill gives accurate results.