How to easily remove silicone


Since some parts of the siliconed area of my bath tub are damaged, I need to replace the silicone. Is there an easy method to remove that silicone?

Best Answer

I use a plastic putty knife. Some of my guys even use plastic knives (yes the kind you use at bar-b-ques).

The whole purpose is to scrape it off without damaging what is underneath. The plastic knives add a serrated cutting tool and the shape is better for cracks/smaller areas.

Some things life (others) has taught me:

  1. WD-40 helps for some reason. If I give the area a quick spray, wait 10 mins, it cleans up easy 80-90% of the time. No idea the science behind this.
  2. Razors/metal knives aren't worth it. Yes they are faster. But all it takes is one chip and that ends up taking longer to repair than the total removal of the caulk. I have learned my lesson 5-6 times.
  3. Hair dryer is a mixed bag too. Unless you are 110% sure it is silicone, I wouldn't be aiming a hair dryer at it as it may make your mess bigger.
  4. On tough jobs I go back to my fix for 90% of cleanup. Bucket of steaming hot water, Dawn, and bleach. Sponge some of the hot water to the problem area - I use a kitchen pad which is a sponge on one side and a mild scrubber on the other. Wait about 30 seconds and repeat until caulk residue is broken down enough to remove with a light scrub.