How to extend a surge protector’s cable


I want to buy surge protected socket however these products generally has 1.5-2 meters long cable but it isn't enough for me. On socket there is a warning:

"Plug in this product directly to.wall plug and do not use any other extension sockets in a row."

In this warning last sentence confused me. I need 4-5 meters long, therefore I'm thinking about plug in typical triplet sockets to wall plug and then using surge protected sockets. Is it appropriate use?

Best Answer

We just had the Fire Marshall visit our business and give us a fire inspection.

We got wrote up for several things.

  • Extension cords are for temporary use. If you need power at a remote point, get an electrician in and extend an existing circuit or run a new circuit.
  • No Zip-Cord type extension cords to be used, Ever!! They don't have abrasion resistance like SJO type cord. Laying over a sharp edge can cause cold flow of the insulation and they cannot withstand being kinked or having sharp objects dropped on them. Plus the insulation can age and crack.
  • If you must extend the number of power sockets (multiple outlet tap), it must have an internal circuit breaker.
  • If you must have a permanent extension to bring power to a remote area, use a power strip with an internal circuit breaker and appropriate length SJO type cord (3', 6', 10', 15', 20', 25').
  • Never chain power strips, they are available with different length cords (to reiterate).
  • Any UPS installation shall either be plugged directly into the wall socket or an appropriately rated power strip with internal circuit breaker.

Note: You probably won't find the long cord power strips locally, I would try online for the country appropriate type you need. Industrial/Commercial applications or Server applications tend to have the longer cords.

Zip Cord Multi-outlet Extension Cord - No Circuit Breaker, No Outer Jacket on cable (arrow to best view). In the US, this is referred to as Zip Cord as the grooves in the insulation allow for the different conductors to be Zipped apart for termination. The insulation will tear along the groove. The insulation is soft, easily penetrated and abraded, and with age, can crack and expose conductors. It is also easily kinked which can break the inner conductor leading to a high resistance fusible fire starter which is also why there is a US code requirement for Arc Fault circuit breakers to be used on rooms where corded lamps are likely to be used now. AKA Lamp Cord.

Zip Cord Extension

Jacketed SJO Cord - SJO style cord with individual conductors, fiber filler and protective outer jacket which also may unfortunately be referred to as zip cord as it can have an internal string to allow cutting the outer jacket when pulled to expose the inner conductors.

SJO Cord - Jacketed