How to extend the length of the furnace run time after burner shutdown


My new furnace has a control board with preset blower run times after thermostat satisfies. Max setting is 180 seconds. This is not enough to purge the latent heat in the heat exchanger. I need another minute of run time. How do I get extra time?

Best Answer

I too am like you, an old time boiler guy; 40+ years + 11 retired. My comment to you is, if your furnace fan is running on the correct fan speed and the furnace is not too oversized, the heat exchanger should be able to give up (cool down) enough so that there will be a very little waste of energy. The small amount of energy you are trying to remove may be offset by the energy the fan motor will consume. Yes, I still like the old ways that we were used to but that was then and this is now. Get used to it, the new generation has made us obsolete.