How to feather the edge between still stuck paint and the layer below? (Latex did not stick to gloss oil paint)


Someone painted this door with latex paint over oil based glossy paint, without proper surface preparation (*). Thus I'm left with some original oil gloss, and a edge to some still-stuck latex paint. Here it is after peeling, scraping, sanding and priming:

enter image description here

I sanded everything using EPA Lead Safe Practices, but the edge is still starkly visible, especially after the primer went on.

What are various methods and tradeoffs for making this edge disappear? This is a high touch area on the door, so it needs to be durable. Do I prime first? Spackle first? What product and steps should I use?

(*) Someone was Mom.

Best Answer

Ever do bondo work on a car? That's pretty much it. West System epoxy and various sanding fillers, interspersed with 24-48 hours to wait for the epoxy to cure enough to sand, and an exhausting amount of sanding, rinse wash repeat until it looks right. It takes a really long time.

The upside is this will also remove the wood damage, which is not inconsiderable. The downside is, it's really easy to mess up and damage trim with a power sander.