How to fill 4″ width gap between the walls and alcove bathtub door


I'm trying to install a full width alcove bathtub sliding glass door. Problem is the width of pre-built tub doors, especially those at budget price level such as this one, seemed to be standardized at max 60" but the width of my bathtub and alcove is 64".

How to address the 4" shortage both cost-effectively and aesthetically? Presumably I am looking for a commodity product preferably available in local hardware stores to fill the gap. Example product link would be helpful. I have thought about using U-shaped aluminum channels but most channels are under 1" width. There are high-end or custom-built tub doors fitting 64" but they cost over $800, which is over my budget.

Best Answer

This isn't the only way to approach this, but since many shower doors have a U shaped channel that covers another U shaped channel (that's been attached to the wall), you could use box section aluminum -- 2"x1" (assuming that the 1" dimension meshes well with your chosen door) on both sides. Your local metal supplier probably won't have this in stock, but you could order from them or the internet generally.

Tip: drill a weep hole at the bottom of the 2x1 that drains to the tub so that you don't inadvertently get standing water in the tube.