How to fill these holes


Holes in internal wall

Previous owner of our house left some large-ish holes in the wall. The biggest one is 8cm in diameter and the smaller ones are from dry wall anchor (Molly) bolts that I removed. They are about an inch wide. What's the best way to go about filling these?

Best Answer

If this is drywall I would buy a small bucket of plaster and some drywall tape (the mesh kind), drywall knives and patch the smaller once that way. The bigger one I would cut a bigger square hole from stud to stud and cut a nicely fitting drywall piece to fit into the square. Fix it to the studs with drywall screws. Then use the same drywall compound and drywall tape to patch up the seems of the patch. All the stuff should be easy to get in the store. It takes some skills to get all of that smooth. Check out some drywall videos on youtube