How to find an appropriate replacement air filter for the furnace


Background: I got a Bryant 915SA furnace with my new house and it's time to replace the air filter.


  1. The filter is not branded so I don't know what company made it.
  2. The filter is not a standard size; it's approx. 24.5" x 15.5" x 3.75"
  3. I haven't found a data source indicating who made it.
  4. I suspect the furnace installer (who's happy to sell them) is overcharging for replacements.
  5. The furnace manual lacks details on recommended air filter suppliers.

Suspicions: I suspect the air filter is by GlasFloss based on comparing the Amazon picture to my actual filter (image attached)

How can I determine which brands and models are appropriate replacements for this air filter?

enter image description here

Best Answer

It's a standard 25" x 16" x 4" filter (41625 is the size as well as the part number for that filter).

You can pick them up at any DIY store in the US for about $40.