How to find out if I can add a bedroom to the home without violating any rules/ordinances


I think I heard somewhere when I bought my home that we weren't allowed to add any permanent (concrete foundation) fixtures on my property, such as a shed on a concrete foundation. Well, adding a bedroom to my home would do exactly this, does anyone know who I can contact to find out if this is even allowed? Such as maybe an official city agency of some sort?

Best Answer

Building regulations are generally controlled by either

  • the municipality (city/town/township/village) if you live in one, or
  • the county

Start with the first. Most often there is a planning or zoning office that regulates both commercial and residential construction.

Or you could consult a local builder and ask him or her what permissions you need (but double check any answer that you get; some unscrupulous builders will say you don't need any, and post construction, you may have a problem).