How to finish and seal an interior exposed brick wall


I have exposed a 100+ yr old brick wall inside, tuckpointed, cleaned with cup brushes on a grinder, and Sureklean 600. I don't have a picture right now but it looks beautiful.

Two questions:

  1. I want to finish the wall with polyurethane or something mildly shiny but definitely not too much. What is the best coating to use?

  2. After using Sureklean, what is the purpose of neutralizing? The instruction on the jug say neutralize with water + baking soda for indoor but not outdoor application.

Best Answer

A sealer I use for stone and grout (also rated for brick) is Miracle 511 Porous Plus. It is solvent based, so use an organic respirator during application, remove pets, ventilate!

The Miracle product adds no sheen or color, absorbing completely.

They have a water-based product also, although I haven't used it and can't confirm-or-deny.

The Sure Klean is an acidic product, (hydrocloric acid). On exteriors, you would flood with hose and/or pressure washer, obviating the need for a neutralizer. I doubt you would hose down your interior, so a neutralizer indoors is needed.