How to fix a window with cracked glass


I have a bedroom window with cracked glass, and I'm trying to figure out the manufacturer so I can get it fixed. The windows are double hung, and three pictures are attached. I looked all over the window, and I could not find any stickers or identifying information.

I'm near Boston, MA and the windows were installed in about 2007. I know they are not BF Rich, and I talked to someone at Home Depot and he didn't know.

As an alternative, should I contact someone other than the manufacturer to get it fixed?

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Best Answer

I had a similar problem.

It was easy enough to remove the window, and take it to my local glass shop. They had a new pane put in by the next day.

If it's a screened window, you can do this when the weather is nice. Otherwise, you'll need to cut a piece of plywood to block the hole while it's being repaired.

Taking it into the shop allows for considerable savings over having the truck come to you.

Call ahead and book a time. You might have it done in a couple of hours.