How to fix the roof draining into gutter improperly


Looking for some help on how to fix my roof draining improperly at the corners of my home.

To my eye, it appears that drip guard is not installed properly on the corner. The paint is starting to bubble up because there's water behind it. I tried looking around for drip guard installation tutorials, but most I've found are for the front edges of the house behind the gutters, not showing the specific corner situation I'm trying to fix.

I've linked a few pictures below, in the head-on view picture you can see that there's a significant gap between the drip guard and the edge of the gutter, leaving the compromised board exposed to the elements. Do I simply need to bridge this gap with more drip guard/flashing material?


Paint bubbling:
enter image description here

Front View:
enter image description here

Head-on View:
enter image description here

Same problem on the rear corner of the house
enter image description here

Top view 1:
enter image description here

Top view 2:
enter image description here

Any and all advice is welcome, I'm a new homeowner and feeling a bit out of my depth. Thanks!

Best Answer

I agree with your assessment that these corners are getting wet, and it is because they are improperly formed. As commenter suggested, the gutter typically goes all the way to the roof edge, as in this picture (crudely edited from what you posted). This would require cutting the extra-long fascia shown in red.

enter image description here

Alternatively - much easier, but kind of a stop-gap measure you can use "in the meantime" while you prepare to cut fascias/extend gutters - you can at least stop the water from getting in here using another piece of aluminum flashing that extends from under the shingles to over the end of the fascia. The key here is to route the water from the roof around the top of the fascia where it has been sitting long enough to seep under the paint. Note that even with this measure, you'll need to properly address this soon because the fascia wood has already started to rot.

enter image description here