How to fix this fountain and prevent it from happening again


I bought a fountain recently and since it's been below freezing I put it outside empty. Well, it fell over in the first high wind day. Now the statue part has cracked off the base, and part of the bit that attaches them is cracked in half.

I assume I should try to fix it with an epoxy of some kind?

And how do I prevent it from cracking again if it falls over?

Do I need to bury the base of it?

Wait to put it outside until it's consistently above freezing at night and put water in it?

Best Answer

Tie it down.

fountain with red cable tying down

Here is your fountain. You can tie it down across the white base which I assume is attached to the plastic fountain bowl and statue. You could use a nylon or poly rope of some color you thought was unobstrusive.

You could tie the rope to stakes and then hammer the stakes all the way into the ground then put the mulch back on top. That would make sure rope is tight. I show 2 ropes but you could use 4.