How to get rid of cockroaches using natural products


They come from open junction box on kitchen wall, and they spotted around fridge. Recently been seeing one or two in bedrooms. I think its because I sprayed Raid in the kitchen. This been going around for a month or more now. The type looks to be german cockroaches. Where I live there arnt known brand pest control products to use, and the ones that are available dont always list their ingredients. So what natural everyday things I can find that can kill them once and for all? I put generic bait around the fridge, but I still see them now in other places. To stop them from getting into bedrooms, i spray Raid on the floor.

Best Answer

I have had great luck with boric acid based products for ants and roaches and just about any bug. It's inexpensive, effective, and relatively safe. It's easy to dust in the cracks and crevasses and gaps and spaces where they hide.

Diatomaceous earth is another alternative that I have heard is just as safe and effective, but boric acid has worked so well I haven't bothered to try it.