How to get rid of toilet stains


So my friend said I could rent out his place for free if I can get it clean and the person was here last didn't take very good care of it. The toilet looks like it hasn't been cleaned in ages and there are stains. Any idea what the best way to remove them is? I've scrubbed at it for like an hour with a pumice stone and while it's a mild improvement, there's still a long way to go. Any ideas as to get it clean?enter image description here

Best Answer

My furnace blew up a few years ago and my insurance company hired a professional cleaning company to clean everything. (About 8 weeks and $35,000 later and they were done.) I had to leave the house, but stopped by occasionally to watch.

I had terrible rust stains in the toilet (we have “hard” water). They used an electric drill (actually battery powered...maybe that’s a safety thing) with a bristle toilet brush stuck in it. They cut the plastic handle of the toilet brush off down to about 6” - 8” long then stuck it in the chuck where the drill bit would go.

They used Comet cleanser (they said Bon Ami could work too.)

You’d think it would splash like crazy when you start scrubbing, but it doesn’t. They laid the brush tight to the wall of the toilet and moved it around slowly...stopping to add Comet cleanser from time to time.

Try’ll be amazed.