How to house corner be supported when there’s a deep cellar next to it


There's this layout (view from above).

enter image description here

There's a log house supported by very weak foundation raised from ground level and there's a cellar right next to the house. The cellar is about 1,8 meters deep (blow the ground level) and lined up with steel sheets held by metal rods and pipes.

The problem is some foundation needs to be crafted to support the house. All other places are easy – slowly lift the house with hydraulic jacks, put it onto temporary supports, then dig a pit about 0.8 meters deep and construct a concrete or brick column. This is mostly done by now.

This corner is special – if the foundation column rests on the ground just 0.8 meters below surface it means there'a a pit next to it which is extra one meter deep and lined with weak steel sheets and the column will likely slide into the cellar when loaded by the house weight. Even if the column is built from the level of the cellar floor the ground from the cellar side will be pushing it to the side and bend it which may become a problem.

How can this corner be permanently supported? Maybe two pieces of I-bar, one (shorter) outside the cellar and the other (long enough to be mounted on the cellar floor) inside the cellar and a third piece put horizontally on those two?

enter image description here

Would this work? Any better options?

Best Answer

Option 1: Post

  1. Shore up the corner temporarily by any means
  2. Remove metal sheets and rods at corner
  3. Dig out corner enough to be able to dig out a footing at the celler floor level
  4. Pour footing in corner at cellar level
  5. Install post
  6. Reinstall metal sheets and rods and backfill

Option 2: Wall

  1. Remove metal sheets and rods on side at house
  2. Shore up the side temporarily using multiple post
  3. Dig back entire side of cellar in about 8" down to cellar floor.
  4. Shotcrete a 8" thick foundation wall under entire side.
  5. Reconcile corners where shotcrete meets cellar.