How to install a large mirror on drywall


I need to reattach(*) a large, flat, frameless mirror (about 8'x6') to drywall, and a few long/thin beveled mirror pieces around it as a "frame".

Two questions:

  1. What adhesive should I use? Epoxy glue? Liquid Nail?
  2. How to hold the mirrors in place while the glue is setting? (If the glue sets in a short time, say 10 minutes, then I guess I can simply lean on it while playing Angry Birds.)

* If you're curious why I said "re"attach, it's because the mirrors were there originally, and I removed them to open a small doorway on the wall. I was able to simply ply the mirrors off.

Best Answer

Mirror Adhesive ("mirror mastic") exists:

enter image description here

As for how to hold it up; rest it on something:

  • the top of the backsplash
  • rest it on a strip of wood fastened to the wall

and use mirror clips while it sets.