How to install an air conditioner in a window with a very deep exterior ledge


Our NYC apartment building has very deep exterior ledges, extending around a foot beyond the window, but 2-3" below the window frame, so a window AC can't rest flat on it. How do we appropriately brace/mount the AC? none of the standard mounting brackets will work, as they don't extend far enough out to reach over the ledge. We don't want to just prop it up on blocks, as everything I've read suggests this is illegal.
Any advice appreciated!

Best Answer

I strongly recommend asking your landlord. They will have dealt with this before, and will know what solutions will work -- and given the potential liability issues they may insist on doing the instillation.

(I have dismounted a NYC airconditioner, which had been installed with a moderately complex metal framework apparently designed to solve exactly the problem you are describing. I don't remember any details, though.)