How to install rafter baffle venting without removing drywall


I have a finished attic, that needs to be updated. The pitched sides of the roof are sheetrocked & insulated, the ceiling is a suspended ceiling (will be sheetrocked) and the low knee walls are insulated and paneled (will be sheetrocked).

The pitched ceiling does not have rafter baffle venting. It does have continuous soffit vents, a full length ridge vent and a gable vent. I realize it's best if the soffit vents have air movement up to the ridge vent, however I'd like to avoid ripping out the sheetrock and insulation on the pitched ceiling.

Is there an alternative to the standard rafter venting that can be installed on old versus new construction?

Best Answer

Typically this type of structure is properly vented already as you described it. The pitched part of the roof is typically insulated tight with a 1" sheet of foam at the roof then friction fit unfaced. Then a plastic vapor barrier then drywall. Sounds like you're doing a roof so you might consider a foam roof substrate over the pitched rafters. Your existing Kraft face insulation could be causing tagger show because of leaks in the seams. Consider a vapor barrier paint for the interior.