How to insulate a cantilevered bay with plumbing, ducting, and electrical


If you were faced with the following cantilevered bay, how would you go about insulating it? I can seal most of the wood air dams between joists with Great Stuff, but as you can see, there are two joists with no air dams – the gap continues all the way back between the first and second story.

  1. Given the existing ducting and plumbing in these areas, is there any way to get an effective seal?

  2. Once the joist gaps are sealed as much as possible, anything else? Should I put batting between the joists against the cover? The cover in this case will be caulked plywood.


problem 1

problem 2

Best Answer

First I would caulk or spray foam (as appropriate) all the penetrations in the rim joists to air seal the area.

Then I would fill the stud cavities with mineral wool batts, cutting holes and channels in them to accommodate all those utilities. This is practically impossible to do correctly with fiberglass but easy with mineral wool due to its density and rigidity; you just cut it with a bread knife.

Then I would cover the bottom up with rigid foam board. 2"+ would be good. Finally I would cover that up with cementboard or another rigid, impervious material.