How to insulate a poured concrete exterior wall


I've recently had to remove existing drywall and insulation in my condo in Ontario. Now I need to finish the walls.

I was thinking of:

  1. Gluing 2-inch Durafoam to the concrete
  2. Putting in the proper framing
  3. Adding 3.5-inch fiberglass batt
  4. Adding a vapor barrier
  5. Drywalling on top of all this

Am I out to lunch? Feel free to make fun of me if I am. Is my method off base? I've been reading stuff about double vapor barriers being bad because there is a cement wall etc.

Exterior facing wall

Best Answer

I would glue durafoam to the concrete first like you said.Then like you said put up a wall using 2x4s for the 3 1/2" insulation. Then use unfaced insulation,then a vapor barrier then the sheetrock. If you want to use paperbacked insulation then do not use a vapor barrier afterwards before putting up the sheetrock. If you put up two vapor barriers there will be a strong possability of trapping moisture between the vapor barriers. And moisture means mold.