How to insulate the door to the attic


I have a 5 level townhouse; heat seems to come out of the area around the door to the attic in warm days. is it possible to add insulation to this attic and door? the attic is walkable and has plywood floors so I'm not sure if i can lay insulation down and walk on it or what other options i have. the attic is pretty warm but ventilated appropriately. any ideas are appreciated.

Best Answer

Well, if there's a lack of insulation under the plywood floors, taking up the plywood, insulating, and replacing the plywood would be the correct method.

If there's insulation there but it's inadequate, that's a different issue.

Hard to know about door insulation without any idea what sort of door you have. If it's a trap door you can probably put some insulation over the top of it in some way, but the way will depend on how it opens/operates.