How to isolate dead animal odors in crawlspace


Some animal, likely a squirrel or largish animal, obtained entrance to a crawlspace and died there. No one is able to isolate the location of the carcass. The odor seems to be too ubiquitous in the area to be able to sense strength levels or the origin of the odor.

Are there any techniques that help to isolate odors of animal carcasses that are buried in insulation or otherwise hidden?

I've thought that perhaps if we employed a commercial ozone generator and then attempted to "smell it out" again after using this device, that it might reduce the odor enough to detect it based on vicinity, but I'm just taking guesses…

Best Answer

First make sure the area is clean making sure you have no more obvious contributing factors. Then install an exhaust and vent the area 24-7. As the moisture is displaced and it will eventually be displaced, the odor with dissipate. If you live in a northern climate you will need to monitor the temperature to protect against freezing.