Furniture – How to Join a Vertical and Horizontal Pole


2 years ago I built a desk with 1/2" galvanized steel pipe legs. Silly me did not think of the stability of the table during planning and I built it with 4 free standing legs, the legs are not connected together. This resulted in a table that is not completely stable and sways with a good push.

The legs are the perfect height and I'd like to avoid making additional cuts to fit tee couplings to connect them.

So my question: How do I connect the middle of a vertical pole to the end of a horizontal pole?

I can't think of the words for this type of connector but I'm thinking of something like this clamp I saw. Any other ideas are also appreciated

horizontal-vertical clamp

Image is from an electronic drum set assembly instructions. I remember the clamp from when I was a kid. Not sure the exact site.

Best Answer

I'd call that thing a saddle tee.

Rather than making more rectangles, though, consider how you could introduce triangles. You already have a rectangle shape comprised of two legs, the floor, and the desktop. Splitting that rectangle into smaller rectangles won't improve the stability tremendously, but diagonal bracing would.

You might be able to keep the design aesthetic of the table and avoid the search for perfect, possibly non-existent fittings. If you're equipped to cut/grind/modify ordinary tee fittings so that they fit right and look convincing then you could use threaded rod passed through the pipe to hold it all together and provide the actual strength.