Furniture – How to Keep Screws Secure Over Time in a Loft Bed Kit


I just ordered this bed and a lot of the reviews say that the screws loosen and have to be retightened often.

I'm wondering what the impact to the wood itself, over time, if I used wood glue in the holes during assembly. Would this cause the wood to split or anything from whatever pressure changes that (normally) cause the screws to loosen up?

This may be a completely dumb question, I don't know why I'm second guessing myself; I think it would be fine but I don't want to learn by trial and error with this one.


Best Answer

I would use something a little less rigid since you probably want to be able to snug the screws down the road. Wood tends to shrink and deform, and if you lock the screws you won't be able to do followup snugging.

I'd use a low-strength threadlocker compound. This should allow snugging without needing to remove screws and reapply.