How to keep the southern facing bedroom cool in the Arizona Heat


Our MB is on the South side of our house in AZ. It stays warmer than the rest of the house. I am considering installing and 8" in-line booster fan at the 'T' where the supply duct (flexible) where it branches off to the 2 supply registers.

Two questions:

  1. Would this be the proper alternative?

  2. Can I tap off of the 110 VAC to the blower motor so that the booster fan would only run when the blower runs?

So, I guess there is really a third question: Will it matter if the booster fan runs when the supply fan is off?

Please let me know your thoughts. Thank you.

Best Answer

The 1 time I used an in-line fan as you are suggesting it made more noise than it was worth. It produced very little increase in air flow.

I would have an HVAC company look at your problem to see if there was a simple fix or as the others have said plant trees, and some type of shading or add a separate cooling device. Since you are in Arizona, could you add a "swamp cooler" just for that room?

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