How to level the ground for the above ground pool


In my area we get about 3.5 seasons hot enough to swim and I have a limited budget. What I have been doing is setting up an inflatable ring pool (14' x 3.5') to cool off in. The problem is my yard has a slope. My strategy is good I think. I place a board in the middle on a 2.5' bolt and try to work around with a level, digging the high areas and building the low areas and adding lots of play sand. See the images for examples.

initial dig
where I am at so far this year
last years slanty-ness

My problem is the far side (where the wall is) always compresses and the pool leans as you can see in the third image. I am constantly afraid a kid will kick against that wall after the water is high and the whole thing will just roll down the hill.

What should I do that could solve this issue for less than $100?

Best Answer

You should dig down on the high side, instead of building up the low side. Or build up the low side in a more sound manner, though that will likely cost more than $100.