How to locate the source of an outward wind-draft, that’s going outwards from the room’s window


I have hung up a wet cloth over my window's curtain rod. The idea is that it's going to naturally cool the incoming wind. I ran into some issues during this setup, but after some effort I solved it all, thanks to DIY stackexchange!

After that I've been constantly seeing the wind going outwards from my room. The curtains, and my wet cloth just stick to the window because there's a slight breeze going outwards.

I cannot pin-point the location for it. I've closed every window, every door throughout my house to try and block it. And yet I see the wind somehow going outwards from my room.

How can I locate where this wind-draft is originating from?

Additional info:

Locating this has been one hell of a frustrating experience. I tried with the "hold a strip of paper up" technique and it moves around in all directions. The only time it's consistent is near the window where we know that the wind is going outwards.

Best Answer

Use a smoke pencil

This is what pro hvac guys use to find drafts. it produces a thin stream of smoke that you can direct at the perimeter of the window. When you observe the smoke being drawn into a gap you will have isolated a leak.

enter image description here