How to lower the room temperature


My room has the following window:

enter image description here

My room becomes extremely warm whenever the day is sunny (the window is facing the south) and the outside temperature is a bit warn (> 60F/15C). Yesterday for example, my room temperature was over 88F/31C most of the day, despite opening the windows at night and the outside temperature being 70F/21C. Even when outside temperature get colder (I live in Massachusetts and temperatures may vary a lot from day to day, or even within the same day), it takes many hours for my room temperature to get lower.

Opening the windows during the day don't help, because the window opening is tiny and as you can see in the picture it opens to the bottom (which means the cold air from outside cannot enter the warm room, since cold air goes down and warm air goes up).).

Is there anything that can be done to make the room temperature lower?

My 5 ideas so far:

  1. Turning on the air conditioning: this isn't possible (quote from the building house manager where I rent the room: "We are still a couple weeks away from the building wide turnover. It has to be a complete Heat to AC Switch in our building (Heat turned off, Chillers turned on), so we have to wait until risk of cold days/nights are behind us."). I also cannot cut the window to install an AC.
  2. Placing some "air pump" on the window, i.e. some pipe measuring one or two meter that would go from outside to inside through the window. Does such things exist? The only items I could found so far were window air conditioner, e.g.:

    enter image description here

    However, since the outside air is not that warm I don't need to isolate the window: a simple pipe flushing some air from outside to inside would be enough (the pipe doesn't need to cool the air).

  3. Adding more curtains, as it shown below: it helps a bit but not that much.

    enter image description here

  4. Placing some heat control window films to the window. I haven't tried it yet, I don't know to what extent it would reduce the heat. Should I expect some significant improvement with it?

  5. Adding some external window shutter. I'm not allowed to do so:

    enter image description here

Best Answer

How about getting a Portable Air Conditioner - these can be moved room to room as long as you have a window you can feed the exhaust out. The link I provide in the example below shows two types of A/C units make sure you get the Portable Unit and NOT a window unit - they are different animals altogether.

Or you could buy a fan and place in front of that window.

Example of Portable Air Conditioner (more examples on Amazon):

enter image description here