How to make a 8 inch hole through a brick wall for venting


I am planning on Installing a Vent hood the manufacturer recommends 8 inch duct work.

I am looking for options to make this hole.

1) Diamond hole saw.

I couldn't find a diamond hole saw in 8 inch.

2) Core Drill

But I will get a clean hole. My question is how do I measure the thickness of exterior wall. I have brick which is about three inches. I measure the wall thickness near my garage with brick it comes to around 10 inches. Is this correct ?

Best Answer

1 Roto hammer (rent from local tool rental company) enter image description here

1+ Chisel bit(s) enter image description here

1 8" circle drawn on the surface you wish to cut through

1+ hour of tedious, annoying, possibly painful labor

After you get your hole and ensure the vent fits, be prepared to seal any gaps with concrete caulk, or exterior vinyl caulk, or whatever suits your fancy.