How to make sure the portable toolbox hasn’t got any tools missing



I have a big house and I've managed to have tools scattered across the house (basement shop, kitchen, garage (bike tools). I can't, at this time, consolidate them all in one place (no room to work in one place for the 7 bikes and room to work on other projects).


I'd like to just put most of the important tools in my toolbox (actually a tool "bag"). But… I miss the benefit of having a nice pegboard with outlines for all tools so I know if a tool is missing.

Any suggestions of a better toolbag/box that addresses this or perhaps some method?
(I've currently labelled (yes, I'm that anal retentive 😉 pockets in the bag for important tools but I still have to visually inspect them. Invevitably, I'm in the middle of something and find I'm missing a tool (sometimes purloined by my kids)

Best Answer

A simple method may be just to weigh the toolbag when it has a complete set of tools. Record the number. Whenever you need the toolbag, quickly weigh it again. If the number matches then everything is accounted for. If not, then you would need to rummage through and see what is missing.