How to make the floors more stable


My builder did (what seems to me) a cut rate job on my floors.

When I walk around in my house my table and entertainment center (and other such things) shake as I walk past them. (Heaven help me if someone jumps!)

My basement is not finished, so I can get at the underside of my floors. What can I do to make them more sturdy?

What immediately pops to mind is just go an measure and cut a bunch of 2x4s and put them cross ways. Does that sound like a good idea? Are there hidden gotchas? Is there a better way?

Best Answer

It sounds like the joists aren't properly fixed to the walls or they aren't big enough for the task at hand - keeping your floors up.

I'd get another builder in to take a look and quote for remedial work and then try and get the first builder to either sort out the problem or pay for someone else to do the work.