How to make wooden stairs slip-proof


My wife loves the idea of removing our stair carpet and putting bold/bright wallpaper on the vertical faces (risers)…
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…but we're concerned that the horizontal parts (treads) would be much more slippery as plain wood, compared to carpet. With a 4yr old in the house, and my wife being so accident-prone, I think we need some sort of anti-slip.

I am not sure if it is possible to cover every single tread with a seperate piece of carpet. It might be difficult to secure the outer edge under the lip.

Perhaps paint each step, and sprinkle on sand/sugar whilst still wet? This would leave a textured surface, quite rough.

Perhaps glue thin strips of rubber along each tread?

Best Answer

A few options.

1 - Grip/tread tape (easy/cheap but maybe ugly):

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2 - Rubber treads (modern/industrial look):

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3 - 'tread/grip' additive for paint (easiest to 'blend in' to decor):

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3b - DIY 'tread/grip' additive:

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