How to measure the leg positions for a three-legged table with a circular top


I am creating a three-legged stand for a monitor (not really a table, but whatever) and am not sure how to conduct the measurements so that all three legs are accurately spaced in an equilateral triangular shape such that the weight of whatever is sitting on top is evenly distributed over all three legs. How do I go about calculating this?

Best Answer

An easier method to using dividers is to get a piece of string, wrap it around the circumference of the table surface, and mark the and where the string meets itself. Measure the length, divide by 3, then mark off the thirds on the string. Put the string back on and use the third marks to find the leg positions. It's not as exacting as @woodchips method but it's faster, you don't need special measuring tools, and it's probably good enough for your purposes.

Of course you could just eyeball it, you'd be surprised how exact you can get it that way.